Over 43 years of Martial Arts experience

Sr. Grand Master

Edmund W. Lewis (1938-2017)

Sr. GM Edmund W. Lewis helped to mentor and develop GM Aguirre’s teaching methods and awarded him his ninth degree black belt in 2016.

It wasn't until I was asked to step up into a

teaching role did I understand the true art of

this sport. Teaching made me realize the 'why'

behind each of the moves in Kajukenbo.”

-Alfredo Aguirre

Kajukenbo is a hybrid martial art that originated in Hawaii in the late 1940s. Its name is a portmanteau derived from the various martial arts that contributed to its development:

  1. KA for Karate: Kajukenbo incorporates striking techniques and discipline from traditional Japanese Karate.

  2. JU for Judo and Jujitsu: It integrates throws, joint locks, and ground-fighting techniques for effective grappling.

  3. KEN for Kenpo: The principles of Chinese Kenpo are included, emphasizing rapid, precise strikes and practical self-defense techniques.

  4. BO for Boxing: Western Boxing techniques are employed to enhance hand-to-hand combat skills and footwork.

Kajukenbo is known for its adaptability and practicality in self-defense. It was created as a response to the need for effective techniques in real-life combat situations, and its techniques have evolved over time to meet modern challenges. This martial art emphasizes self-defense, and its practitioners often train in a wide range of striking, grappling, and self-defense techniques, making it a versatile and effective system for personal protection.